Pennsylvania law requires the Sheriff of Carbon County to process all applications to obtain a License To Carry Firearms (LTCF). The license permits you to carry a firearm concealed.
Licenses are issued to only CARBON COUNTY residents who must reside within the county and who qualify, based on a background investigation done by the Pennsylvania State Police through the Pennsylvania Instant Check System (PICS). All applicants are required to have a valid Pennsylvania driver's license or Photo ID in order to process the application.
If you wish to apply for a LTCF (Concealed Carry Permit) you now have (3) Options
Option 1: Schedule an appointment to appear in person
Call the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office @ 570-325-2821 and schedule an appointment. At your appointment you will need a valid form of identification (previous permit if not expired more than 6 months with current address, PA Driver’s License or PA ID card with current address, valid government issued documents containing your current address such as tax bill, voter registration, vehicle registration, if you are not a US Citizen you must provide your alien registration card). You MUST also have a Carbon County address and payment of $20.00 (cash, check, credit card or money order)and if you are applying for a renewal you will need to bring your expired LTCF. You can complete the application by going to our website ( and printing it prior to your appointment or complete it when you arrive. Validated parking options are available.
Option 2: Mail In your application
If you would like to complete a paper application and mail it you will need to print the application from our website ( The identification requirements are the same as in option 1 which you will need to submit with your application. If not provided your application will not be processed and will be returned via mail. The application must be LEGIBLY completed in its entirety, including signature, date and contact phone number. A payment of $20.00 (cash, check or money order) made payable to the Sheriff of Carbon County must also be included with your application. Applications, documents and payment shall be submitted to the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office, PO Box 147, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229. If you are unable to mail in your application or prefer to drop it off in person, it may be dropped off at the Security post in the Carbon County Court House.
If approved you will be contacted to schedule an appointment. At this appointment your electronic signature and picture will be recorded and you will be issued your permit. Appointments are schedule Monday-Friday 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM at the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office located in the Carbon County Court House at 4 Broadway in Jim Thorpe, PA 18229. Validated parking options are available.
Option 3: Online Application
Carbon County residents can now renew or apply for a new LTCF online by going to and clicking on the application on the home page or going to services on the home screen and selecting License to Carry Firearms. You can also go to All applicants must be 21 years of age and payments will be made with a credit/debit card. You will receive email, text and voice mail messages regarding the status of your application. Once approved you will be notified by the system to schedule an appointment. You must bring your current form of ID you submitted with the application as well as your expired LTCF if you are applying for a renewal. All applicants MUST upload/attach a photo of current government issued ID as listed in option 1. All ID must match application address and be located in Carbon County. Validated parking options are available.